elgg作为一个社会性网络构建平台,一经问世,即好评如潮,更有人将其与大名鼎鼎的moodle相提并论。这个平台不仅获得了2007年最佳社会性网络开源CMS平台的荣誉,在今年得到了info world的最高评价。
Elgg v1.8.3 changes:
* Adds a white list for ajax views
* Improved navigation tab options
* Added group specific search
* Added button for reverting avatar
* Improved documentation for core class attributes
* Adds a server info page under administer -> statistics
* Improving caching of icons and js/css
* Deprecation notices not displayed to non-admin users
* Fixed upgrade scripts for blog posts and groups forum posts
* Can now delete invitations to invisible groups
* Fixed several widget bugs
* Fixed access level on add to group river item
* Fixed recursive entity enabling
* Fixed limit on pages in sidebar navigation
* Fixed deletion of large numbers of annotations