上一篇: Teamlab(项目管理平台)
下一篇: 解决Ecshop中重量单位设置的问题
- Complete new MVC PHP framework
- Extensive security audit by Cigitel.
- Users are stored in the addressbook too.
- Ticket groups for better permission management.
- Plupload used for file uploads
- Gnupg support dropped. SMIME still supported.
- Filesearch module for deep searching file content. (Linux only).
- Document workflow module.
- File locking
- SabreDAV upgraded to 1.5.6
- Swift Mailer upgraded to 4.1.5
- Project tasks have a relation now and have a percentage complete field
- Photo support in sync.
- Billing module can create MS word and open-office invoices, quotes and orders.
- Billing module can handle purchase orders and stock